Earlier in the week, Cam got a crazy idea to shave his head. He started off slowly. At first it wasn't too bad. Then he shaved it smooth as a baby's bottom. That I wasn't too fond of at all. In fact, I cried.
It's just hair; it'll grow back. Just not soon enough for me.
Union Grove did such a great job with the ceremony. I think they made it special by adding a few extra touches. They released white doves before the ceremony started. It made me tear up.
My boy receiving his diploma.
I love the hat toss.
Fireworks went off as the graduates were exiting the field. Another special touch, I thought.
In 9th grade, each student wrote a letter to themselves to be opened on their graduation night. That was my favorite special thing they did. I think he looked forward to reading what he had written. He didn't even remember writing it.
If you know Cam, then you know that the letter to himself wasn't anything nostalgic or sad, but filled with humor.
So after so many trips back and forth taking and picking him up from school, after many lunches being made, homeschooling him for a year, being his class room mom for six years, volunteering at the middle school, sweating at football practices and games, going to boring meetings at the beginning of each year, checking up on his grades on the computer, and so MANY, MANY other things, our son is a high school graduate. We are very proud.
My wish for my youngest son is the same as it was for my oldest son; that he live well, love much and laugh often.
Way to go, Cam! Your high school journey is finished.
Till next time... Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend, and don't forget to take a moment to remember the men and women who gave their lives for US!
These kids are ALL jerking at my heart strings, giving my tear ducts a work-out and making me sooooo proud! Cameron is such a handsome young man, even without hair... although I like him better with it:) I love him whatever his head looks like just like you!
I hated to miss this awesome occasion but I appreciate you sharing the pictures with me! I love the hat toss, great picture by the way! I loved the fireworks, great picture! AND I loved the release of the white doves! Yep, they did it up right... something tells me it was for YOU:)
Love you bunches! Auntie T
Your post brought tears to my eyes. The memories I have of graduations, their school years, and the emotions you are going through! You've done your job. Raised your boys to be wonderful men of society! Good job, Kelly! Continue guiding them as much as they will let you! I love the letter too.
Hugs and loves to you!!!!
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