Without fail, every time I come to my computer to blog, something goes wrong. Every. Single. Time. Honestly, that's one reason that my blogging has been so infrequent lately. If I try to load pictures, something happens. If I try to make it so that my pictures are larger, then I can't spell check. Today it took me 10 minutes before I could even get logged in. It makes me want to scream.
WHY, I ask you.
You know, I got a new phone last week. It's touch screen, which I don't think I'm ever going to get used to. So if you get an e-mail or text from me and it's full of words that make absolutely no sense, just know that I'm trying to learn how to use the touch keyboard. And I'm a looooong way from perfecting it.
Anyway, I bring up the phone to say that I have had to switch my e-mail from Yahoo to G-Mail. By so doing, it evidently changed the way I have to log into Blogger. But of course, I didn't know that until I had spent 10 minutes trying to log in today. It's to a point that I need a nerve pill before I even try to blog.
The carpet went in without a hitch. Believe it or not, it wasn't all that bad. I mean, granted I didn't move much of the furniture. Jeff and the boys did most all of that. But considering I'm a woman in a house full of men, I didn't think I should have to do that stuff. :-) I think as a woman, we should play our woman card as often as we can. I did help move a few things and surprised even myself at how strong I was. Too bad the next day my low back was shooting pain down my entire leg. Should've just continued to play the "I can't do that, I'm a woman" card.
We've finally gotten it all back together. Cam's room is still not looking that good, but then again, it never does. I really think that the best part of the whole carpet thing is that it forced me to clean out some closets and even my office. Does anything feel better than opening up a cleaned out closet? I will open it now just to look at it. Strange, huh? We had towels and sheets that we've had since we've been married. I really don't think a family of four that hardly ever has overnight guests needs 58 bath towels.
The concerts we went to last week were both very good. I think I enjoyed John Mayer more, but the Moody Blues were good too. I couldn't believe the drummer was 69. They sang more songs that I knew than I expected. I would've had a picture, but as usual I got busted with my camera.
WHY is it that the person in front of me can practically set up a tripod and make a picture with a professional flash and no one notices? But let me take out my cruddy camera phone, which BTW, doesn't have a flash, and here comes the usher telling me to put my camera away.
Spring break is two weeks away. I won't be going to the beach this year. Can you see my frowny face? I really would have liked to, but having gone last year and seeing how cold it still was, I just don't feel it's worth the money. Cam's throwing hints that he'd like to go with one of his friends, but I don't know yet. He likes to change his mind a lot. Especially at the very last second.
I'm taking him tomorrow to get fitted for his tux. His prom is the 17th of April. He's continuing to lose weight and keeps me in check when I'm not on the diet wagon as I should be. I haven't dropped another pound.
WHY? I just tell myself I'm gaining muscle and losing fat. Uh, yeah.
So tonight's the big night. Will y'all be watching Dancing With the Stars? I'm looking forward to it. The cast they've selected is so interesting. I'm a Kate fan, so I can't wait to see how she does. Who will you be watching?
Gotta go take Bandit out. Yet another
WHY. Every time I sit down at my computer, she needs to go out. I think my fanny hitting the chair triggers some sort of reflex in her that makes her immediately have to go.
Till tomorrow, LLL, and please remember to pray for our country and its leadership. And I think you all know