On days like today when my boys were little I'd take them to the dollar store or Wal-Mart and get a kite.

A day like today also makes me think of this.

These are Ed and Jean's only three great grandchildren. Kendal on the left. Drew, Kendal's brother, in the middle. Jack on the right. Jack and Drew are only a few months apart. I think the Kelly genes are pretty strong because to me, Jack and Drew favor quite a bit.
They also have the Kelly competitive gene running rampant through their little bodies. They played "hotscotch" (as Kendal called it). It was so funny because they played it on the world's smallest hotscotch board that Drew drew (Ha ha, wonder how often that happens).
Being fiercely competitive, as all Kellys are, I thought Drew and Jack were going to have a knockdown dragout over who was going to go first. They worked it out though and had fun playing. It was just so funny watching them try to fit their little feet in those tiny squares.
Nan brought a pound cake that her mother made with the most delicious cream cheese frosting. I had cut strawberries to go on top. Let me just say, that was the best thing I've had in a good while. I served the strawberries in the bowl that my Auntie Barbo gave me. It's the most beautiful carnival glass and the strawberries were so pretty in it.
Sunday morning, we left for South Georgia. It's about a two hour and fifteen minute drive toVidalia (home of the Vidalia onion). My uncle Bobby usually hosts our Easter get-together. They have the best park I've ever seen there. This was the building that he reserved for us. It was beside a playground and had plenty of yard to have the egg hunt. I don't know about your community, but we don't have anything this nice around here.
Then we were in the petite department at one store, which apparently thinks that petite is synonymous with elderly lady, because everything in the petite department looked like something a 90-year-old would be wearing. Why is that fashion people think that petites are only old ladies? I don't get it at all.
I got my hair highlighted yesterday and I don't like it one bit. It's TOO blonde. Way, way too blonde, so we spent an eternity looking at Ulta for something I could put on it until my hairstylist gets back in town Tuesday. I bought something called Oops Hair Color Remover. It was taped shut and being a nice customer, I didn't open the box and read the instructions. When I got home, I ran in to use it. Opened the box and read the instructions which said that it will not fix hair that is colored too light. Thanks a lot. Next time I'm not going to be a nice customer. I WILL open the box and read the instructions before I buy it. Tuesday will not be here soon enough.
That was my day out. Fun with my fun sister.
Till next time. Happy Weekend!!!!