Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Very Good Day

Today was a good day. I had to work, but it was nothing difficult or stressful. That makes everything better, doesn't it? So that's one good thing.

After my job was over, I stopped by a nail salon and got a mani and a pedi. As a big-time nail biter, I have to get manicures pretty often. Keeping my cuticles and nails trimmed is the only way I keep from gnawing them down to nothing. Gross habit, I know. Got a pretty baby pink on my fingers and toes. Makes me think of summer when I wear pink. Good thing number two.

I wore my disposable flip flops, that they give you after a pedi, to the grocery store. I was so happy because they had bunches of tulips marked down to $1. I bought the only two bunches left. Sometimes you can get great deals on flowers at the grocery store. I always check and once in a while I get lucky. Lucky good thing number three.

I've been wanting a new, bigger gym bag for a few weeks now. Jeff doesn't take a bag and so he always puts his stuff in mine. That causes my stuff to sink to the bottom and it was all just crammed in there. I didn't like that. And let's face it, I just wanted a new one.

So I went to my favorite Vera Bradley store and bought myself a new gym bag.

Isn't it pretty? Suz was on the phone with me and looking at all the patterns on her computer. I always have a hard time choosing a pattern. There are so many that I like. This one is called Cupcakes Pink. Are you sensing a pink trend here? I took it to the gym tonight and it held all of my stuff and Jeff's too, with room to spare. Love it . Good thing number four.

I checked the mailbox and yes, indeed, it was that time of the month. My new Southern Living was there to greet me. Looks like a good one, too. Good thing number five.

Even with my new gym bag, my body felt like Gumby after I took an interval class. I really wanted to stay and do the next class that works you out using a lot of weights. I tried. I failed. My endurance is down the toilet. My limp noodle arms just couldn't hold out. Oh, well. Maybe soon I'll be able to do two classes in a row. Maybe not. Good thing number six. I did do one class, remember????
I spent the entire day yesterday at the Henry Medical Center Emergency Room. My mother-in-law has been having awful back pain. She was in tears with it, so I strongly suggested (a/k/a forced) her to go. She has a bruised tailbone from a fall she had a couple of weeks ago and that's what's causing all her pain. After two powerful pain shots, her pain was finally down to a zero. I'm pretty sure that almost everybody in Henry County had an emergency yesterday. We were there from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. It's really nice to work with your sister because Suz covered my job for me so that I could stay there with her. Thanks, sista!
Well, I'm off to enjoy my new magazine. I can't think of a better way to end my very good day.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Where'd It Go

It comes in. It goes out. Sometimes it goes out before it comes in.

Let's see. This week the computer repair is $120. The garage door opener replacement is $250. We have to have Mr. Bossy (more commonly known as the Polaris for the pool) serviced. His get up and go has got up and went. He is not working to his maximum ability. I just hope we don't have to fire him and replace him with a new one. That will really cost me.

In other news, is anyone watching the Olympics? Are you not amazed by these athletes? I mean, I just don't see how they can bust their butts on the snow that looks like slick concrete and not be hurt. When the women snowboarders were competing last night and they just kept falling, I was in awe that every one of them got up and walked away. I guess that's part of their training. How to fall correctly. I should take that lesson.

I guess yesterday must've been a marathon day on Bravo for The Real Housewives of Orange County. Yes, I do watch that show. Shamefully, I admit it. I'd rather have no friends at all than have friends like those housewives. And I think that Alexis has the ugliest husband in the world. He acts like he's all that just because he knows how to order the right bottle of wine for dinner. I think he's cocky. And ugly. One of the housewives said that it's hard living in Orange County. Say what? I haven't seen you do one hard thing the entire time the show's been on. It's entertainment for me, folks. Isn't that sad.

Monday will be seven weeks we've been working out at the gym. I feel stronger. I don't look any different. But the biggest surprise of all has been that I'm enjoying it. I really, really like it. Cam has lost about 12 pounds. He is so strong and has been working so hard. I'm very proud of him. Now every time we eat something that isn't so good for us, he's right there telling us how bad it is for us. Last night we had a hamburger. I told Jeff we'd better hurry and eat it before he came home telling us how awful for us it was. It does make you feel bad when you go and work out so hard and then come home and have a cheeseburger. Oh, well.

So what's everyone got planned for the weekend? It's supposed to be absolutely gorgeous here. I wish so bad that we were going on our Deer Land trip this weekend instead of last. There is a movie coming out today that I'm dying to see. Shutter Island.

I like suspenseful movies like that. Jeff prefers comedy, but it takes a lot to make me laugh. And there are very few movies that really make me laugh. Dumb and Dumber, Christmas Vacation are two of my favorite funny ones.

Why am I rambling?

My sweet aunt Brenda (or Benda as I call her) is celebrating her 60th birthday tomorrow night at my other sweet aunt Barbara's (or Barbo as I call her) house. She sure doesn't look 60. And she really doesn't act 60. But what is age anymore anyway? Just a number. She's wearing her number well. I'm excited for her party. Anytime I'm with my family it's a good time.

Okay. Well, everyone have a good weekend. I'm sure going to. I plan on doing a lot of living, loving and laughing. But not at the movies.

Till next time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deer Land 2010

Another great trip in the book. We all made it there, had lots of fun, and make it safely back home. But. . . it was the trip that almost wasn't. Suz and Jason had a flat tire on the trailer on the way there that delayed them about three hours. We got lost, which delayed us about two hours. And there was the snow that delayed us about twenty-four hours. We seriously wondered if it was a sign that this year's trip wasn't meant to be.

We had a few extras this year. Reid's friend Damon came. Joseph's girlfriend Kelsey came. Crystal's nine-week-old puppy Duke came. Here's the group, minus James and Rachel and Matthew. They had to leave on Sunday because James had to work Monday. There were seventeen of us, and not a single fight between us. Well, other than one little bitty spat Jeff and I had.

There was snow on the ground Saturday afternoon when we got there. Here's a tiny little snowman. He stayed with us until Monday morning when it poured down rain.

There's this neat place that we always go eat named Railey's. They're only open on Fridays and Saturdays and have catfish and a grits bar. Yep, that's right. Some places have salad bars. Some have dessert bars. Railey's has a grits bar. So good. They ran out of lettuce for the salads, but had plenty of grits and good ol' southern fried catfish, fries and hushpuppies. Oh, and the BEST sweet tea.
In addition to riding the four-wheelers and shooting skeet, you do lots and lots of eating. We had enough food to feed the entire town we were in. Here are the kids during one of the chow times.
I happened to come inside Sunday night during the campfire. The kids were inside playing a new version of spin the bottle. I guess you could say it was the kind of spin the bottle that you play with your cousins. They would say what the person had to do if the bottle pointed to them after it was spun. If it landed on you, you'd have to do things like smell someone's feet after being inside a boot all day. Or smell an armpit that had had no deodorant for two days. Alayna had to drink an entire bottle of water all at once. Innocent, but gross things, you know. Poor Alayna. I think the bottle landed on her more times than anyone.

The sweetest girl in the world and Duke, the most spoiled puppy in the world.
I love this pic of Eli with his motorcycle helmet on. I took him for a ride and he just talked and talked and talked. I could hear him talking, but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. Except that he was telling me to just go straight, go straight. Cam took him for a ride and they splashed through a big mud puddle. They both looked like someone had splashed chocolate milk all over their faces. Suz said it took her two hours to clean him up last night.

Reid got a dirt bike for Christmas. And then for his birthday he got the riding outfit. He's not actually riding here. Here he's just watching the other guys shoot.

Ethan learned to ride the dirt bike while he was there, too. I suspect a dirt bike will be on his Christmas list this year. He only fell off once. He was turned telling his mom to watch him ride. I don't think that was what he wanted her to see.
Here's Joseph getting ready to shoot skeet. What a sweet gentleman he's turned out to be. He's probably smiling at Kelsey in this picture. I had my zoom lens on my camera, so he didn't even know I was making the picture.
Every year there's something different that takes the spotlight. One year it was riding the four-wheelers. And then there was the year that it was a little warmer and all we did was fish. This year the highlight was probably shooting skeet.
Jeff's not a hunter and has no interest in it at all. My boys, on the other hand, L-O-V-E it.
But it turned out that he was quite good at throwing the skeet or whatever you call it. And he even shot one of Ross's pistols a few times.
Here I am ready to make my Charlie's Angels debut.
Ross is a great shot. He rarely misses. He's loved hunting and shooting since he was old enough to know what it was.
Here's Cam on the four-wheeler watching the others shoot. He shot quite a it, but he hasn't had as much practice as Ross, so he's not quite as accurate.
For our big Valentine's dinner, we had hamburgers and hot dogs grilled by none other than the Grill Master, Jeff. He had a mighty cute assistant, don't you think?

And here's the campfire. We sat around it for a while. Told some of the same old campfire stories we tell year after year. We didn't make Smores this time. I'm not sure why we didn't. I think it was because it was just too darned cold. That and we all forgot our chairs. We used the few chairs that were around the cabin, but it was nowhere near enough.

So yes, another trip is in the book. Here are a few highlights I'll remember. The atomic wedgies the boys gave each other. Cam's four-wheeler getting stuck in gear in the middle of nowhere. Crystal alone on the four-wheeler a mile from camp, in the dark, and running out of gas. The whining puppy. The spark that burned a hole in Suz's glove. Eli in his Hugh Hefner pajamas. Sleeping to the sound of rain on a tin roof. But best of all, I'll remember getting to spend hours and hours with my favorite people in the world. Thanks, Jason, for another great trip! Can't wait to go again.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

You Can Call Me the Trip Jinx

So if you want to plan a trip, but you don't really want to go or if you want the weather to be really bad if you do go, just invite me. I can guarantee the weather would be awful.

This is the weekend of our annual Deer Land Trip. We've gone every year for about the last 12 years. And this is the only weekend the camp is available. So what happens? We get snow. About five inches of snow. The one time that I don't want it to snow, it does. But we are getting to go, we're just leaving today instead of last night. Our trip will be a little shorter, but in a way, we got the best of two really good things.

The snow has been absolutely gorgeous. We just don't get snow like this here in Georgia often, so it's a special treat. We went out this morning and played withe some of the neighbors' kids. We had an authentic old-fashioned sled and it went fast.

Ross and Cam sledded last night behind the four-wheeler, but I was too brokenhearted about the trip that I didn't even get a picture. They came out this morning and watched the kids sled.
Even Jeff got in on the action. I didn't go because I was afraid I'd end up in the creek.

Bandit loved the snow. She'd stay out there as long as we'd let her. If you'd ball it up, she would eat it. I don't see how she kept from freezing.

Last night I came out of my funk long enough to make snow ice cream. It was a bust. It didn't taste nearly as good as I remember it tasting when my mom and dad used to make it. I used the same ingredients. It just tasted like cold, salty vanilla.

So that's my snow day blog post. We got the snow I'd been asking for, but we got it on the weekend I wanted it to stay away. Figures.

I realized I didn't post a picture of the birthdays I celebrated last weekend. This is Jeff and Ms. Sylvia. This is what a 101 year-old looks like. Not bad, I'd say. What a lovely lady. My sweet hubby isn't too bad either.

Y'all have a good Saturday. If it snowed in your corner of the world, enjoy it. Personally, I'm ready to be laying out by this with an ice cold drink.

Till next time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's Up

Every time I come in my office and get on the computer to update my blog or whatever, the stupid Internet messes up. I'm beginning to get a complex.

Here's hoping that we're not going to be going down the road we went down last year with things going wrong and tearing up. This week alone, the desktop computer that the boys used died. Not just like a virus kinda thing. Oh, no. It won't even boot up. So that means that every time they need to get on the Internet, they come in my office. I'm very, very picky about my office. It's pretty much off limits to the boys. They take my favorite pens and move stuff around and just mess up my organized mess. We have a laptop, but it's a bit of a challenge to get on the Internet and it's much easier for them to come in here, use mine and then get free entertainment by watching me go psycho.

For several weeks now, our garage door opener hasn't been working quite right. Jeff thought it might be the cold or maybe it needed a good greasing with WD40, but that wasn't the problem and now it's not working at all. Push the button, nothing. I guess I'm just a spoiled brat because I have to have a garage door opener that works, a washing machine that washes, a dryer that dries -- well, you get the picture. I've been having to back out, get out of my car and use the keypad to get it to work. Now I can't even do that because it won't work with the keypad either. Of course, it wouldn't tear up during the warm, sunny summer because then I wouldn't mind getting out of the car as much. Now it's cold and here lately, W-E-T!

So Smokey is really confused since she spent some time in the house a few weeks ago. She no longer goes out in the yard to potty. There were two piles of kitty cat poop in the garage today. The boys asked me, what's up with Smokey. They both looked right at it and walked right past it when they left this morning and didn't clean it up. They left it for me to do when I was wearing a dress and hose. I mean, call me crazy, but I can't just walk past a pile of cat poop and not clean it up. I think she's getting back at us for not letting her be an inside cat. She doesn't understand.

My job today was in a part of town that I haven't been around in a while. I came across a new store that I found very interesting. Wu Mart. Didn't stop in, but I'm wondering if Wu Mart is anything like Wal-Mart. Hmmmm.

I got two of the worst paper cuts ever on my fingers. Then I forgot about them and put hand sanitizer on my hands before leaving the gym. I'm not sure why I felt the need to write about that, but it really, really hurt.

Suz has had the flu since Saturday. She's running a fever, stuffy nose, headache, the whole she-bang. She's been miserable. Of course, she hasn't been to the doctor. Why you might ask. Because SHE THINKS SHE IS A DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!! Well, now it's probably too late to do anything about it with the Tamiflu stuff. She should have gone sooner. I tried to tell her. Girl won't listen.

So this weekend we're headed to our annual Deer Land Camping Trip. You know the one. The one where 16 of us will sleep in a cabin together. It's the one and only time that I rough it. And then I don't rough it all that much. They have heat and running water and indoor toilets. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year. We all look forward to it from year to year. We'll be chilly that's for sure. Lots of long janes and gloves and scarves and hats.

That's what's up with me. Till next time when my computer so graciously allows me to get on the Internet without blowing a gasket.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Living, Loving, Laughing

Yesterday was a perfect day. Even though it was raining for a lot of the day, we still had a good time. The day started out with a trip to The Breakfast Club. If you ever make your way down here, it is a must for breakfast. It's one of those kind of places that deceive you with the outward appearance. Nothing fancy. Nothing fancy at all. But the breakfast food is the best!

I had what they call a PMS omelet. It's an omelet with Parmesan, mushrooms and spinach. Comes with grits and toast and a strip of bacon. So good. Jeff had a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. He doesn't eat breakfast often. His breakfast is three big cups of coffee. As for me, I'd rather have grits than coffee any day.

After breakfast, we rode around the island. No matter how many times we come, we always find areas that we haven't seen before. And it's not a big island. I was in awe of this.

Maybe I live a sheltered life, but I've never seen a real orange tree. It was so cool. There were actually oranges growing on the tree. Some had fallen to the ground, but the tree was full of them. I wonder if they taste good. I'd love to be able to have an orange tree at home.
We looked for the church they built for the movie The Last Song. This time we found it. I am glad they didn't tear it down after they used it. It's such a pretty church. Ironically, it looks a lot like the little ol' Baptist church, Rosemary, that my grandmother loved with all her heart. I mean, it looks a LOT like it.

The church burns in the book, so it burns in the movie too, I guess. You can kinda see where it was made to look burned in places.

I'm reminded of last summer when it was being built. Hollywood really spares no expense that's for sure. I cannot wait to see the movie. I did finish the book and it was very good. I think one reason I enjoyed it so much was because I could associate the characters and the setting so well in my mind. It really made it more fun to read.
The weather was -- well, we'll just say less than beachy. It wasn't too cold, but it was wet. We actually saw a woman get in the ocean. She didn't stay long, but she went in and swam in the waves for about five minutes. She had to have been freezing.
When we got a break in the rain, we set out for a walk on the beach. We found the strangest thing on the walkway of the condo. How did this get all the way from the beach to the building? I don't think it swam or crawled or however they get around. But I don't think it was dropped either because it wasn't broken at all.

I wanted Jeff to make my picture just so I could remember bundling up for a walk on the beach. In the summertime, the sand is so hot it burns your feet. Not a problem in February though.

This tree had washed up on the beach. It was so cool because it had all these shell things growing on it. Must've been in the ocean for years.

It was kinda cool and kinda gross at the same time. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Tree Man. I know Suz is. It sort of reminded me of that. And HE makes me feel sick at my stomach. No offense, Tree Man.

You couldn't get the shells off the tree. They were embedded in it. Weird.
We ate in last night. Then we went to Doc's. Ms. Sylvia was there and she looked just beautiful. I will try to get her picture tonight at her birthday party. 101 years old and she was sitting there sipping a drink and shaking her Maracas to the beat of Roy's singing.
Well, just another day in paradise. The sun and clouds are battling it out right now. It looks like it may be a tie. But no rain. Yay!
Till next time. . .

Friday, February 5, 2010

Happy B'day to My Hubby

Happy Birthday, Jeff! I'm so glad you were born. Had you not been, my life would be so empty. I wouldn't have my sweet boys to enjoy and fuss about. I would never get to see a live soccer game. My kitchen table would be so empty without your puzzle on it. I would have to do ALL the laundry instead of just a little here and there. I would never have learned how to play Spades. I would have no Holiday Barbie collection or Beanie Baby collection. I would always have to take the dog out instead of only 50 percent of the time. I wouldn't have anyone to laugh with on a daily basis. Or anyone to share all my crazy ups and downs. I would never experience some kinds of music. My purse would always stay in the car. I wouldn't have anyone to tell me I was pretty. Yes, indeed, sugar, I'm very, very thankful you were born.

We got to Tybee around 8 o'clock last night. We stopped on the way in for supper. You can't come to the beach without eating seafood, right. We got our first seafood of the trip at this great little seafood place. You may know of it. Captain D's.

It's tradition when we first get here to ride down the main street and check out the island. Not much going on on a Thursday in February. It was soooo windy. I don't think I've ever seen it quite as windy here before.

The weather luck I have at the beach is still holding true. It's cloudy and it's gonna be rainy today. Not sure about tomorrow, but Sunday is supposed to be sunny. Doesn't really matter too much. I'm just happy to be here. To see and hear the ocean. My toes will touch the sand before we leave. Right now at 8:42 a.m., I am looking out the patio window and there is someone on the beach flying a kite. What a perfectly windy day for kite flying.

I didn't sleep well last night. Multiple things kept me awake. One of which I won't mention because it's his birthday and you're not supposed to talk about how bad someone snores on their birthday. That's just not nice. I think the heat was set on about 95. At home we keep it on 65. Not sure how that happened, but it WON'T happen tonight.

Going to our favorite place for breakfast, The Breakfast Club. I promise I'll make a picture of the light and fluffy omelet stuffed with spinach and Parmesan cheese. I'll take another one of the buttery grits and the toast covered with jelly.

Ah, I love this place. And I love sharing it with the one I love the most.

Happy Birthday, Jeffer! I love ya!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two Would Be Too Much

My cousin Tracy over at Recipe Swapping Momma wrote a great post about a weight loss contest she was having with some girls from her office. I really thought it was such a good idea the way the contest was being played. I hope you'll go read about it.

I told y'all I've been going to the gym and exercising. In fact, here's a snapshot of some of the girls in one of my classes. Can you pick me out? How about Nan? We're using the belly buster machine and having a LaParilla margarita at the same time.

Do y'all remember those belly belt things? My mom and dad had one when I was a kid. I used to get on it. It would absolutely shake your entire body, even your head would feel like it was vibrating. Hilarious. Evidently they didn't work so well or else they'd be in every home in the country. If it was that easy to get rid of fat and firm your muscles, wouldn't it be great?

But unfortunately, it isn't. So I find myself doing lots of this.

I've taken a few yoga classes and it is so very hard. I know I've heard it's relaxing, but I think the only relaxing pose I did was when we just sat on the floor and breathed. That felt pretty good. But I am a beginner and the second time was easier than the first. And the third time easier than the second.

I haven't seen this little gadget at my gym. I guess it didn't work too well either. Look closely at the ad. Remember the days of COD, when you could just pay your postman for what you ordered. Can't imagine that happening these days.

I wonder how long the company that sold this stayed in business. I doubt very long with their "11" day guarantee. What's up with 11? Why not 10 like most? I guess the big changes occurred on that 11th day.

Now I have seen these at my gym. I haven't seen any men in suits or women in dresses or even men in bathing suits on them though. Thank goodness. That would be kinda gross. I guess this one really works.

What I'm getting at with this post is this. I have this crazy mindset that doesn't let me go on a diet and exercise at the same time. I mean, it's too much. I have made some simple changes in my diet and that's the best I'm able to do. Exercising and getting in shape is taking priority right now.

Perhaps I will look this company down and see if I can still get a can of their product.

Which, BTW, must not have worked very well either since I don't see it on my local grocers shelf.

I hope that working out and the small changes in my diet will keep me from having to order my spring and summer clothes from here.

I would much rather look like her.

And thankfully, I will say that I haven't seen anyone dressed like that at my gym either. But when I get my body to look like hers, I just might.
Till next time, when I'll be writing from my heaven on earth, Tybee, LLL.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Post With No Title

Jeff's been working on this puzzle for a couple of weeks now. I bought it for him thinking he'd have it done in no time. It's 2000 pieces and it's the painting Starry Night by Van Gogh. Boy, was I wrong. My kitchen table has been turned into a puzzle table. If and when I cook, we eat in the dining room. I think after this one is finished, he's gonna need a puzzle vacation. And I just may have to get some of that puzzle glue stuff and save this one.

Last night we celebrated Reid's birthday at my mom and dad's. Mom made a huge pot of homemade vegetable soup and homemade cornbread in a cast iron skillet no less. She also made something that I'm now addicted to. Stewed tomatoes and rice. Of course, I'm sure if I try to make it, it'll taste like something they sell in the pet supplies aisle. But I really don't see how I could mess it up. It sounded so easy and it was delish.

We had such a good time. Reid got lots of cash for his birthday and an iTunes card. Ross made him a potato gun, which I think he liked a lot. He's officially taller than his mom and has been for a little while now.

Suz always makes her kids birthday cakes. She never buys them. She's made some pretty cool ones. I have to say, though, that the one she made for Reid is my all-time favorite. She got it from Pioneer Woman. It's her chocolate sheet cake and OMGoodness, it was soooo good. What wouldn't I give for a piece of it right now? Anyway, yeah, it was very good. I suggest going to her blog and getting the recipe.

During the course of the night, Alayna got her feelings hurt. And believe me, one person's feelings you don't want to hurt are hers. You may be able to tell in this picture that she can pop that bottom lip out and end up making you want to cry. And you can definitely see my dad's fist in this picture. He was directing that at the person who hurt her feelings. You don't mess with her. He says if you mess with her, you mess with him. Guess that's normal for a man who is daddy to three girls, huh? He's definitely a softie where she's concerned.
And then there was Eli the acrobat. He has been practicing his handstands. Only doing a handstand wasn't quite good enough for him. Now he's working on doing a handstand with only one hand. Pretty good, huh? He has endless energy. He was doing flips and handstands after spending the entire afternoon at baseball tryouts. Oh, to be five again.
Ethan's football team won the superbowl and they got trophies and superbowl rings. Yeah, you heard that right. Ten-year-old boys got superbowl rings.
I thought that was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I hope I'm wrong, but I predict he'll have lost it by spring break. I think it'd be neat to hang on to it and share it with his kids one day. But he is after all only 10.
Saturday night Reid had Cam and a few friends go to the movies with him for his b'day. They saw Avatar. Jeff, Suz, Jason and I saw Edge of Darkness with Mel Gibson. I have never screamed so many times during a movie before. I'm a jumpy person anyway. I was caught off guard several times by the special effects. I thought it was a pretty good movie.
I went to the gym today. I've been doing good and I'm actually enjoying it very much. I try to take the classes when I can, but if not I work out with the equipment. I can feel myself getting stronger. But I am so darned tired. I mean, so, so tired. Like I'm sitting here wondering if it's a bad thing to go to bed at 8 o'clock. I'm wiped out.
I also went to Target and got some stuff to make my cousin Justin a package. It was lots of fun just looking around and thinking about things he might like. He's in Afghanistan and when he comes home, he's going to be the most spoiled Marine ever. He's got so many people mailing him packages and cards and goodies. He -- and all the others too -- deserve it. I will be so glad when his boots are back on the ground in the good ol' USA. I admire his mom, my aunt Cindy. I know it's been incredibly hard to have him out from under wing, not to mention being put in harm's way. Y'all say a prayer for him and all the other troops. One thing you can never have enough of is prayers.
My hubby and I are heading to Tybee Thursday. It's his birthday Friday. We go to celebrate his birthday and also one of the locals there that we just love, Ms. Sylvia, turns 101. She plays her tambourine and Doc's Bar, our favorite hangout. I'm so ready to go. My work's been kinda stressful the last few days, so a break will be nice. Just not long enough.
Okay. I think I'm heading for the sofa or the bed. Hmmm. I think if I get on the sofa, I won't feel so guilty if I just so happen to "fall" asleep.
Till next time. Live, love, laugh. Oh, and pray.