I decided to blog today about some of the things I'm loving on these days. I'm a super picky person, so when I'm lovin' on something, it's definitely a blogworthy moment.
As always with my lists, my loves are in no particular order.
I bought this new book this week. It's not out in paperback yet, so I had to pay a bit more for it than I would've liked. But on a positive note, I do enjoy holding a hardback book. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but so far, I'm loving it. I text messaged Suz one day during a job and asked her to find me a book she thought I'd like. She found this one. Good job, sista. If you'd like to borrow it, let me know. Such a shame for a nice hardback book to just sit on a shelf.
I'm lovin' on my public library. I checked this book out a good while back and I've rechecked it so many times that I'm out of checkouts with it. I now have to return it and check it out again.

But sadly, I tell you that I'm not checking it out again. Because I'm not loving it. It's 810 pages and I've made it to page 114 and I've been working on it for several weeks, if not a couple of months. I think it's a book I'd really like if I could get through it. Have any of you read it?
Always, always, always loving my flip flops. However, after trying many different brands and some more expensive than others, my true flip flop love is my Yellow Box. They fit the best and are the most comfortable.
My gym has had Aveeno samples of shampoo. My hair is very dry and tends to be a little like a rat's nest at times. I am seriously loving this shampoo. My hair is softer and I can definitely tell a difference with the friz factor.

I got this white hospital-type thermal blanket from a friend who owns a spa. Loving on it right now. It's the perfect weight for summer. And who doesn't love a nice, white blanket that comforts like those in the hospital do. They sell them at Target.
In addition to the shampoo, the gym has had samples of this Aveeno lotion.
Lotion is one of the things that I'm always searching out and trying to find the perfect one. My skin is super dry. This one is very close to perfect. It softens and moisturizes your skin, but you don't feel sticky or greasy. Loving this.
And I'm ALWAYS in search of the perfect mascara. I change it out about every couple of months, so I really don't want to spend too much on a tube. When I replace the one I keep in my makeup bag that stays at home, I put it in my purse in case I need a freshen up during the day. I loved this mascara so much that I went ahead and bought two tubes. One for home and one for the purse.
Good, good stuff. I use waterproof because I've found that I never know when a tear might fall and I don't want it to be running black down my face. Comes off easily with a good makeup remover, which BTW Lancome makes THE ABSOLUTE BEST HANDS DOWN. This mascara is an item my makeup advisor, BFF, and sister, Suz, recommended. Good job again, sis.
Always loving on Clorox. This spray bottle is so handy to have in the kitchen. I like to shoot a couple of sprays in my sink just for the heck of it. I also like to squirt my dish rags with it, too, to freshen them up. And I always squirt some in my dishwasher before I run it.

Ahhh. 620 thread-count sheets, white, of course. Bought these a couple of weeks ago and will never buy any less than this thread count again. They are the bomb. Feels like you're sleeping on silk, but yet so cool and crisp. There are few things I love more than sleeping on fresh, clean sheets. And these feel so good, I'm considering washing them every day.
Dryer sheets. I normally buy the cheapest kind there is. I liked the fact that I could throw two or three in the dryer at a time. The other day I splurged and bought these.

Hooked. You only need one sheet and I can tell the biggest difference in the way our clothes feel coming out of the dryer. They are seriously softer. It's amazing!
Sports Authority had these tank tops for $5. They had all colors, but I only bought a gray one and a white one.

They have been washed and dried twice so far, and have held their shape so good. They are the perfect length and I've worn them to the gym and out to dinner because they are so easy to dress up a little. I wish I had bought one in every color.
That's about all I've got for now. Now I've got to move onto doing something I absolutely don't love. Cooking. I'm making Ross chicken and dumplings for his birthday lunch tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll be able to eat them. He says he's feeling better, but I'm not seeing a huge improvement. I guess he knows how he feels. He's definitely not back to normal yet.
Hope everyone has an awesome weekend. Maybe it's cooler in your neck of the woods than it is in mine. And as always, till next time, LLL. :-)