You leave your nice warm house to go out at 9 o'clock in the freezing temperatures to get some of this.

Because you don't want
her to have to hold her natural body functions. Or worse yet, to relieve herself in the house.

But this one here, you take her out and it still takes her 5 minutes to find just the perfect spot.
And it's always the spot she sniffed out first.
It's still too cold for us to let Smokey (the cat) outside. She's perfectly content to ball up in her towel in our laundry room/half bath. I'm not kidding, as soon as you open the door, you can her hear purring. So sweet. She'll be 16 in March or April. That's old for a kitty cat.
I'm not sure she knows what that litter box is for because she hasn't used it yet. I went down in the basement last night and found a big aluminum pan, bought some litter pan liners and some kitty litter. I hope she'll figure it out. Yesterday and the day before when we let her outside to go potty, she showed us. She pooped right in the middle of the garage. She wasn't about to go outside in the frigid weather. Smart cat; she takes good care of herself. I guess that's why she's so old.
Yesterday in the midst of my boredom, I went to the mall. It was the first time I had been since right before Christmas. And you know what I decided? I haven't missed it in the least. In fact, I couldn't wait to get in my car and go home.
What's the deal with the sales clerks? Most of them act ( hopefully, it's an act) like they're stupid. And most of them are rude as can be and clearly hate their job. I wish I never had to set foot in another mall again. But since I love to shop, that ain't happening. It just wasn't fun yesterday. Although I will say that there are lots of good deals out there. If you can handle the sales clerks acting stupid and being rude. Maybe they were cold, but I doubt that as it was 999 degrees in the stores.
And speaking of work, I'm back at it today. I'm working at 2 this afternoon in Decatur. It's the first time I've gone out for a job since the 21st of December. I hope I'm not too rusty. I'm going to go through all my equipment and change the batteries in everything and reacquaint myself. When I haven't worked in a while, I get as nervous as if it was my first depo. Hopefully, it won't be a stressful one. I'm not in the mood. And I hope I don't act stupid or be rude.
I think I'll make baked potato soup for supper tonight. I'll share the recipe later. It's one Nan gave me and it's sooo good. I add a little of this and that to it, so tonight when I make it I'll jot it down. Hopefully, it won't be like the spaghetti I was going to make last week. You remember, when the closest I got to actually cooking it was getting the jar of sauce out of the pantry. BTW, I actually did make it last night and it was very good.
Okay. Keeping it real here. Do any of you feel like the whole world wants you to feel bad about yourself and go on a diet? Seriously. Half of the commercials are about weight loss. Most magazine covers are about diets and stuff. I mean, I think it's awful. Especially because we all know that January is a depressing month anyway and there's not much else to do except watch TV, so they have the perfect opportunity to ram it down your throat and make you feel bad. I'm of the opinion that if I want to lose weight, I sure don't need 50 commercials an hour reminding me. I just think it's kinda sad. Not that I think we should just sit around and watch TV and eat DingDongs all night. I just don't believe in pouring salt in an open wound, you know. We're only human and we shouldn't try to take on everything at once. Right now we're dealing with the cold and being stuck inside, the letdown from all the fun of the holidays and everywhere we look, we're reminded that we need to lose weight. Ugh. And truly it's just about too cold to go outside and do any exercise. Jeff jogs several times a week. He went out yesterday afternoon and it was so cold he had to cut his jog way short, which he never ever does.
Okay. Off my soapbox. I'm really not in a bad mood, but you'd never know it from this post, huh? Sorry.
Till next time. Stay warm, be happy and Live, Love and Laugh!