When Ross was a little boy, he loved to watch The Little Rascals. I think we had VCR tapes of every episode. It really is quite a hilarious show. And when he and Cam were little, they'd spend every Friday night at my mom and dad's house. Ross would bring his Little Rascals tapes because, of course, my dad liked them too. Well, this particular episode where Spanky does his Saturday dance, my dad improvised it to the Friday dance. Oh, it's Fryerday, oh, it's Fryerday. Lots of times even still that song pops in my mind. I just can't resist singing it. It's a sweet, sweet memory of a silly, but wonderful thing.
Yesterday afternoon I accomplished a task that I dread from season to season. I'm sure you know the one. It requires moving clothes from one place to another. Yep, you guessed it. Out with the winter and in with the summer. It went pretty smoothly because last fall when I put away my summer clothes, I also went through them and got rid of quite a few of the ones that I never wore. It really made the job a lot easier.
Part of the job takes me to bathing suits. I'm a very sentimental person. Very. I don't like clutter, though, so I don't hang on to every single sentimental thing. I figure my mind and my heart have to be responsible for keeping up with some stuff. Anyway, I have always kept my maternity bathing suit. I was pregnant during the hot, hot summer with both my boys. I never hesitated getting into the pool seven or eight months pregnant. Heck, with Ross I even had a small blowup pool that I put on the back deck and laid out in it. I remember being pregnant with Ross and taking him to the pool and working with him on learning how to swim. I was about eight months pregnant with Cam and he kicked me right in the stomach. I remember it so well. Didn't hurt Cam, thank goodness, and ironically, it was a sign of the brotherly fights that were to come.
So when putting my bathing suits away, I came across my maternity bathing suit like I always do. Still in perfect shape.

And sadly, I say to you, it's not much different than the one I wear now. When I'm not EIGHT MONTHS pregnant! HA!

I love butterflies. My cousin Regina will love this. Yesterday afternoon on my front porch step there was this butterfly.

Today's gonna be a super fun day. Oh, it's Monderday, oh, it's Monderday. Suz is coming down and we're gonna do some big time scooterpooting. Fun, fun, fun!
Hope y'all have a good Monderday, too. Oh, and also I have a new button on my sidebar. My cousin Tracy has opened an Etsy shop. She's making the cutest jewelry and has put some things in her shop. Pay her a visit. And tell her A Girl Named Kelly Kelly sent ya!
Till next time. XOXO