When I went back today, they had to open the tooth up again and get some of the infection out. He put some medicine in it and closed it up. I've got to go back next Friday and get it cleaned out again. Hopefully, it will be all better by then. It's still swollen and very numb from the five Novocaine shots I got. I dread the minute the feeling comes back. I have a new prescription for pain medicine and I'll bet you can guess what it does to me. Yep, that's right. Itch. But maybe I won't be in agony anymore. Or maybe all the places I've scratched raw will divert my attention from my tooth. Either way, not a good day for me.
Went shopping with Suz and Nan yesterday. We ONLY shopped for five straight hours. I wasn't feeling all that great, but thought I could handle it. What's the difference really, walking in pain or lying down in pain? And like my favorite Bible verse says, A merry heart does good like a medicine. With those two I got a heaping dose of laughter and it did my toothache good.
I had planned on going to Jeff's last regular season football game today, but that didn't happen. His team finished the season undefeated and they'll be in the playoffs next Saturday. I'm so proud of him!
Can't dig up anything else to say, so I guess I'll just say. . .
Till tomorrow. . . Live, Love and Laugh. It really is the best medicine!
You POOR child... here comes a big 'ole hug thru the computer...:) I know I squeezed a little hard, hope I didn't hurt your toof! I can't believe that you have had such a hard time. We were talking about you last night at Autumn's party. Some of us Howells just have bad teef, me included. Hope you feel better and that your medicine relieves the pain. Love you bunches!!!!!
I feel so bad about your tooth. I wish I had something helpful to say.
I cringe just thinking about it.
Congrats to your son's team going undefeated. Man I had 4 sons, and I sure do miss all those little league right through High School Football Games I went to. One of my sons was an All American. Very cool.
and my daughter was a cheerleader. We are big sports fans.
anway, maybe just swig some Whiskey??
Oh me oh my...I hurt for you!! But from experience take a benidryl(sp?) with it and it will stop all that itching!! I as a Howell have that same problem! Youy take care and don't be out in the cool air too much it will make you sick! Hope you get to feeling better!! Cngrats to Jeff team!! Love you!!
Oh, I wish I had something helpful to say. But I don't! I guess I just can't imagine the kind of pain a toothache is :0(
Thank goodness. I hope I never have to. I feel so bad; you don't deserve it.
Love you and I really, really hope and pray tomorrow is a better day for you!!!!!!!!
I am so sorry you are having such a bad time with this! It is just not ever fair to have work done on any part of your body and have to go back for more work in the same place!!! I am sure you are hurting so bad. I only know wisdom teeth pain, not root canal infection pain. I am sorry and hope you get better real soon.
I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Here's hoping it gets better quickly!!
Praying for you Kelly! That really is rough! Before you know it.... it will be nothing but a memory. Benadryl. I agree. Maybe it will knock you out like it does me, too! Sleep through all this! lol! That is awesome about Jeff's win! He's got a good team this year, huh? Do the boys go to the games too? Love you and really am praying for a speedy healing! xoxoxox
I am so sorry you feel so bad. I hav been there and it is not fun at all....here is praying for you to recover quickly.
Hi Kelly, Came across your blog through Theresa "Ganky". And I'm so sorry about your tooth problems and pain. I hate the dentist. I have to take a valium just to get a filling.
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