Speaking of which ... not my feet, but work. I had my first depo since mid December. It was sure rough getting back in the groove. I had to be there at 9:30 a.m. Normally, that's about the time I make my final rollover of the night before I get up when I'm not working. Yes, indeed it wasn't easy. I made me a big ol' cup of coffee and put it in a pretty to-go cup and off I went. I made it through somehow.
We're still so undecided about our New Year's Eve plans. There is nothing that is really tickling our fancy this year. No one is having a party, so to speak. The people that have invited us to play Spades aren't serving any food, it's just come about 8 or so and play cards. That'd be fun, but I want to do something more than that. I just don't know what. We've waited too late to do anything really fun. You can't get a reservation at any of the good places to have dinner. And most of those places are having New Year's specials including parties for a flat fee, which can be pretty expensive. After much flipping and flopping back and forth, I THINK we're going to Outback for dinner and drinks (of course, Jeff won't be drinking, so he'll be the driver), then to Ronnie and Nan's to watch the LSU/Georgia Tech Game. Go Tigers! Or really, I should say GO SEC!!!!!! Sorry, Theresa, you know, a Dawg fan has to pull for the SEC! After that, I'll probably be so tired and sleepy I won't even see the ringing in of 2009. I'll do my darndest. I've bought my energy drink.
As for New Year's Day, Jeff's 82-year-old mom is cooking her traditional New Year's lunch. Black-eyed peas, cabbage, pork roast, cornbread, mac and cheese. Then we'll have to hurry and clean up because the Georgia DAWGS come on at 1:30. Gooooooooooooooo Dawgs! Sic em!
My mom always has New Year's supper for us. Her traditional meal is black-eyed peas, collard greens, cornbread, mac and cheese and ham. Man, I'm gonna have to go on a diet January 2nd. Seems like all I'm doing is eating.
Tomorrow I'm going to be very busy getting my 2008 files put away and getting my 2009 files set up. I like to start the new year fresh. I've already backed up all my 2008 work files and got my computer documents set up with 2009 on them. Kinda anal, aren't I?
Wish I was in Washington so I could come to Karla's party. She wouldn't even have to clean her house for me! HA!
In case I'm too busy filing and cleaning tomorrow, y'all have a great New Year's Eve! Be safe and be on the lookout for those who aren't. As the commercials say, if you drink, drink responsibly!
Love and cheers to family, friends, both new and old!

This was New Year's Eve last year. I can't believe it's been a year already! The time is going by way too fast! I need to stop and smell the roses a bit more often.