This is the kind of ice cream maker my mom and dad used when they were kids. My dad tells the story of he, his brother and sisters all taking turns turning the ice cream maker. He remembers it being fun.
My dad, who as I've told y'all before, is a garage sale guru. He found an old ice cream maker like this one and brought it home.

Some people go the really swanky route and get a fancy ice cream maker like this one. I'm sure it makes great ice cream and maybe if I had one, I'd never want anything else. I think they churn the liquid into creamy ice cream in a fraction of the time as other ice cream makers do.

Here are a couple of my favorite recipes for chocolate and vanilla ice cream. The vanilla is from my mama, so trust me, it's good. Vanilla is my favorite. The chocolate is from a little ol' church cookbook that I got from Suz. And honey, it's so good too.
1/2 gallon WHOLE milk
1 can evaporated milk
dash of salt
2 1/2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
Mix and pour into 1 gallon ice cream freezer can. I always give mine a little sample before I freeze it just to make sure. I like vanilla and sometimes add a little more. Freeze till done.
3 1/3 cups sugar
5 heaping Tablespoons cocoa (not a measuring tablespoon, but a tablespoon from your silverware drawer)
2 tablespoons vanilla
1 can evaporated milk
Now, it's been my experience with this recipe that the sugar will not dissolve in the cold milk. Not matter what, it just won't dissolve. So. . . what I do is heat the sugar, the cocoa, vanilla and evaporated milk and some whole milk in a saucepan till the sugar is dissolved and the cocoa is blended well. Pour it into the ice cream maker and finish filling it with whole milk. Give it a good stir. Then freeze in ice cream maker till done.
I always taste mine before I actually freeze it just to make sure it doesn't need any tweaking with the sugar. It may need a little more depending on the brand of cocoa that you use. This recipe is one that needs to actually sit in the ice cream maker for a little bit after it's done. The texture gets better after it sits a little while. It's sooooo good.
The last one I have is Alton Brown's Burned Peach Ice Cream. I haven't tried it yet, but maybe this weekend I'll have time.
BURNED PEACH ICE CREAM (courtesy of Alton Brown)
2 cups half-and-half
1 cup whipping cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup peach preserves (not jelly)
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
Pinch salt
4 medium peaches, halved, seeded and grilled or broiled until brown.
Combine all ingredients (including the bean and its pulp), except peaches, in a large saucepan and place over medium heat. Attach a frying or candy thermometer to inside of pan. (If you don't have a thermometer, bring the mixture just barely to a simmer. As soon as you see a bubble on the surface, remove it from heat. ) Stirring occasionally, bring the mixture to 170 degrees. Remove from heat and strain into a lidded container. Cool mixture, then refrigerate mixture overnight to mellow flavors and texture.
Freeze mixture in ice cream freezer. The mixture will not freeze hard in the machine. Meanwhile chop peaches roughly. Once the ice cream has frozen to soft serve consistency, add the peaches and continue turning to incorporate. Spoon the mixture back into a lidded container and harden in the freezer at least 1 hour before serving.
Makes about a quart and a half.
Alton Brown says that the secret to good homemade ice cream is to mix your ingredients the day before you plan to churn it. That way all the flavors mellow together. Sounds good to me.
Now, what I want to know is what kind of ice cream maker do you use and what's your favorite ice cream recipe? With July 4th around the corner, we all need some good homemade ice cream, so share your ideas with me.
Now I've got to go down in the basement and get my ice cream maker and get it cleaned up and ready to go. Yummy!
Till tomorrow.