I found this article:
Tingling Thigh Syndrome
Culture Buzz SKINNY JEAN WEARERS BEWARE: You may be running the risk of developing a disorder called meralgia paresthetica aka tingling thigh syndrome. Add in a pair of stiletto heels and you're dunzo. The jeans put pressure on the femoral cutaneous nerve that runs through the thigh, which can cause tingling and burning through the leg. It almost feels like your leg is falling asleep. The good news is you just have to stop wearing the jeans and eventually your legs will go back to normal. Phew.
So on to another topic. Yesterday was a scorcher. We had the pool party at Auntie Theresa's and it was a blast for sure. Good food and even better company. I look so forward to getting together with my aunts and cousins and their kids. Just like the good ol' days when Ma-Ma Howell used to get us all together in the summertime. Thanks, Auntie, for having all of us and for sweating over the grill and fixing everything.
If you were in Georgia yesterday and you were outside you were sweating. I don't care how much of a lady you are -- you can call it glistening if you'd like, but you were perspiring. It was hot. I always wear waterproof mascara. I just like the security it gives me. I never know when I may need to shed a tear or two and I don't want black gook running down my face. For some reason, I've never really liked that look on me.
I've tried dozens -- seriously dozens of brands and brands within brands of waterproof mascara, always in search of the perfect mascara. I'll try something for a little while, discover that it's junk and toss it. Or offer it to Suz or Crystal. They're not quite as picky/anal as I am.
Suz and I were at Target last week and we were just perusing the cosmetic aisle like we always do. She's my go-to beauty advisor. She reads lots of beauty blogs and knows a lot about the latest and greatest makeup finds. I asked her what she knew about this mascara.
She said that she had read it was good, comparable to what I had just thrown in the trashcan that morning. Hmmmm. Didn't sound good, but I wanted to try it anyway. I bought it in Black/Brown, waterproof, of course. And I looooooooooooove it! If you need a good lash separating mascara that will stay on your lashes and not smudge or smear or sweat off on these hot Georgia days, girls, this is one you must try. Even after all day at the pool, coming home and glistening outside with the insurance adjuster for 30 minutes, sitting by the pool with Jeff and a friend of ours who brought his kids over to swim for another hour and a half, that mascara was still on my eyelashes and not all down my face. I was very impressed. Y'all give it a try. You'll like it better than the expensive brands. I've tried them all. It's my favorite by far.
I've got a job today. Yuck. But I do need money to buy more mascara, so I guess that's a good thing. And then tomorrow is going to be a very, very exciting day for me. I'm going to the oral surgeon at 8 am. I'm sure it'll be nothing more than a consultation about what they can do about my tooth falling out, but I'm excited to find out what that's going to entail. Although I'm sure it's not going to be cheap or pain free. Then I'm getting my hair done. I will be having a lot more blonde moments after tomorrow. Who knows, maybe a lot more fun, too, if the old saying really is true. And then after that, guess what? I'm having a brand-new cleaning lady come clean my house!!!!! Sonia came a couple of weeks ago when she was here visiting and she reminded me just how badly I missed having a good house cleaning. Keep your fingers crossed that she's not another "What Lady".
Till tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday. And don't forget to live, love and laugh!
I have not tried the mascara but WILL! If you say it is good, well what more can I say:) I too will not have the tight jeans syndrome, wouldn't be caught "you know where" in those! Love you bunches and thanks for sharing such a special day... love you and have a wonderful day!!!!!
That mascara is what I use! My daughter-in-law, Meghan, has the most beautiful long eyelashes and told me what she uses.... it is wonderful! Separates the eyelashes and makes them longer! Just like it says! Great blog today! Have a great day!
The only time you'd ever see me in skinny jeans is because I was dead.
To me the term "skinny jeans" refers to the jeans in my closet that I can't fit into but want to.
Well, the mascara is pretty good, but my love doesn't run as deep as yours does. But anyone who knows you knows that in a few weeks, you will no longer like it either.
No problem with the skinny jeans for me; I don't even think they look good on models!
I do love mascara also so I will give it a try!!! And NO skinny leg jeans for me...I don't have skinny legs to put in those jeans so I will never have to worry about that sickness!!! Enjoyed yesterday with you...love you!!
That's the mascara that I use too, but I'm not as in love with it as you are. Maybe because mine is not waterproof, who knows. I hate that I didn't get to come to the pool party yesterday. Whose idea was it to have work 40 hours a week anyway???? Makes me miss out on all the fun!!!
I will never have to worry about the skinny jean thing. There is no way I would subject myself or the general public to that. :)
I went to go buy that at Walgreens and some lady stopped me from buying it saying that it smelled really bad. Is that true???? I really want to try it.
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