I'm posting today about a bunch of odds and ends. Nothing much going on around here. Works for me. If you read my
Auntie Theresa's blog, you already know we had the most beautiful sunset around here last night. I can hardly let a sunset go by without snapping a picture. I think they're gorgeous.
We were on our way to Mellow Mushroom and this was the sunset we were driving into. It was so pretty it even made the power pole look nice.

Do any of you watch tennis? I don't. I don't know the first thing about it. I've always found it a bit confusing. Those squares on the court. Love? Deuce? What the heck does all that mean? Jeff and I always sit at the bar at Mellow Mushroom -- as we do most places when it's just us -- so that we can watch the TV. Last night was a poor TV night at the bar. There was nothing good on any of the four TVs they had. On one of them there was a soccer game. Jeff likes soccer, I hate it. Then the President's address was on one. That just kept making me mad. The mere sight of Nancy
Pelosi makes me
nauseous. Tennis was on the third one. A baseball game -- not a Braves game, not that I would've been super excited about that either -- was on the fourth TV.
The TV with the tennis caught my attention. And why? Because of the 17-year-old girl from Marietta, Georgia who has suddenly become the sweetheart of the tennis world. I enjoyed watching her play. But most of all, I enjoyed these.

Apparently, she's fond of pink tennis shoes. Aren't they adorable? If I played tennis, I would have to have a pair just like them. Her 17-year-old boyfriend came up with the "Believe" slogan that her fans wear on their T-shirts and she even has it on her shoes.
I think she lost the set or match or game or whatever it's called. But she sure looked cute!
Bow season opens this Saturday. Ross has been sharpening up his arrows and getting everything ready to go. He's torn between hunting on opening day and going to a diesel drag race somewhere in South Georgia. From the looks of all the hunting crap in my living room, I'd say the hunting may win out. My boys can turn my house into a hunting camp or a fishing camp or an automotive repair shop at any given moment. This week it's a hunting camp.
I have to say that I have no idea why either of them wants to shoot a deer. Our freezer in our garage is
FULL of deer meat from last year.

If you're looking for anything else other than deer meat, this is the position you'll find yourself in. Oh, well. Whatever.
As I was browsing the Internet this morning, I came upon this picture.

Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? Can you imagine sitting your family down to watch a TV this size? Now wonder kids were more physically active back then. How enjoyable could it be watching a TV that small? And you would have had to sit on the floor to even see it.
I'm sure most of you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I hope everyone stays caught up on their mammograms. If not, do it. Make an appointment today. I had mine done several weeks ago.
It's really not that bad to me. It's a little uncomfortable -- kinda like having your boob smashed between concrete blocks -- but it's bearable. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Get your mammograms!
From the looks of things, I've been the last one in America to jump on the Facebook bandwagon. Well, I got on yesterday and found a whole bunch of people that I went to school with. Some all the way back to elementary school. It was so neat to see how people have changed. One person's photos included these pictures.
I'm thinking this was when I was in the sixth grade. Can you guess which one is me?

Yep, I'm the one that looks like a dwarf compared to the other girls. For some strange reason, my friends have always been tall. Still are. And I always feel like Tiny Tim.
This one is about eighth grade I think. We were playing in a powder puff football game.

I was so excited when I saw these pictures. The first one I had never seen before. Facebook is a neat way to find people you haven't seen in years. It was fun.
I'm off today and I've got to get some things for Cam to take on his Disney trip. He's leaving right after school tomorrow for ten days! Must be nice to have an all-expense paid trip to Orlando.
Ethan is back at school today. The swine flu wasn't that bad. I'm sure if you ask Crystal or Ethan, they'd have a different opinion. Once he stopped throwing up, I think it was better. He still ran a fever till yesterday morning and still has a cough. They say if you're 24 hours fever free, you're not contagious anymore. I took him some goodies yesterday and he was laying on the sofa watching TV. Looked like he was living the good life.
My typist's mother passed away yesterday morning. She had fought a long battle with liver cancer. Keep them in your prayers. Her dad isn't doing well as he's very confused about what has happened. She has her hands full and needs lots of prayers.
I told y'all this was an odds and ends post. Guess that's what happens when nothing's happening.
Till tomorrow.