I tried, y'all. Really I did. I gave it my best shot. I was medicated and motivated. I was going to give Cable Guy # 3 a chance. I believed in him. He was going to be THE man.

That's all I have to say about that. I'm off to shampoo my carpet. I hope that darn DVR box works splendidly because it has almost put me in the nuthouse.
oh, now, that IS baddddd!!
Now you see why I put a NO SHOES PLEASE sign on my front door when I knew the Directv guy was coming. They should have those booties you put over shoes in surgery to walk in people's houses. You should call and complain :0(
kell jerry said if you complained to direct they could get you a signal. he said if cable dont work let him know. ALSO you can make that cable clean your carpet. jerry is the king of complaints and it works love you
One word for this man "KILL" I would be on that phone telling them about this slob they send to my house...I have a sign at my door telling people to leave their dirt outside and take off shoes..if they wear them in the house they will be handed a mop !! this is a shame..make you wonder what these slobs house must look like...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I'd be calling that cable company and giving them a piece of my mind. Well...uhm...that is IF I had any pieces to spare.
I think people are just hiding in the bushes waiting their turn to tick you off! I think they should all have to wear the booties too. When a worker does wear them or takes their shoes off... I call and give them an "ataboy". Give me a break, I used to work with a guy who kept a white rug at the door to show how much dirt would have been on the carpet. The dirty rug would drive me nutso.
Love you!
wonder why my name showed up barbara i am barbo
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH he made a big mess. They should give you free cable for a month.. lol! You should have made him wear those footy's that they wear on Jon and Kate plus 8!
Kelly, you are so much like me the cleaning disorder. I would have had a talk with him at the time he was there, unless he was a cutie and I would have let him watch me get it off the floor!!!!!HaHa
I think you are alot like le with the ccd. I would have made him clean it up UNLESS he was a cutie and then he could have watched me clean it up while he had a glass of wine!!!!!!!!!!Ha Ha
you and karla.... did you read her confrontation with DISH network? Must be the month. She gets doubly mad when they are foreign and she can't understand them! I had the cable guy leave stuff all over the yard! My husband was mad! The guy that delivered my washing machine left a deposit in my bathroom and stunk up my whole house! Does it get any worse than that???
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