I was perusing my Daily Reads this morning and was over at Kimberly's blog. She's playing this neat game called Pay it Forward. She came across it by following Karen at
Extroverted Introspection. She's the one who started the game. It's very simple and it'll give me a chance to give a little something back to three of you. The way it works is I'm going to send the first three bloggers who leave me a comment something HANDMADE by me. All you have to do is link Karen's blog on yours and send something to your first three commenters who'll do the same. Since I've been following some very crafty bloggers, I've gotten pretty crafty, so don't be afraid to be one of the first three to leave me a comment. Let the fun begin!
I want to win something! You are so creative and you are my blogging hero. I am thankful to be a blogger and I have you to thank for giving me something to look forward to every day, both reading and writing a blog! Love you!
You are so much fun. Marie is having the pain blocker put in this morning. I am so sad. She is a strong person but how long can she stay that way.Pray for her and Foo=Foo. Tell Jeff i was facinated with the size of Emory and I hope he works close to the parking lot. Love Ya'll
Preface: this is JUST a comment...not a Pay it Forward entry :-)
WOOHOO, Kelly! I'm so proud of BOTH of us for figuring out how to add the necessary links to keep this fun game rolling! Way to go, girl(s).
Oh, can you email me your address so I can get your package off to you? NewEdgeLea@aol.com
I think this is a great idea, however if I try to put one more thing on my plate I will seriously have a nervous breakdown.
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