Painting my bedroom has been a bone-tiring, yet gratifying experience. I went to Lowe's yesterday in the middle of a heavy rainstorm to get the paint and the other few supplies that we needed. Picking the color was my first stop. I chose a color called Dockside Haze. The name of the color perfectly describes it. It's a good mixture of blue and gray. And I love it. It's just what I wanted.

Naturally, while I was at Lowe's I had to pick up a few things. Even though generally speaking home improvement stores don't excite me as much as, say, Target or Sephora or something like that. If I'm in the mood, I can waste serious amounts of time there. They had this really neat paintbrush that was slanted for cutting in, but the handle was smaller than most. I thought that would be good for me. And, of course, the latest edition of Southern Living was so colorful that it caught my eye and I had to have it. When I checked out my grand total was :

When I got home from Lowe's, Jeff was already home doing the "grunt work". I.E., taking down the pictures, moving the furniture, removing the switch plates and stuff like that. He was just about ready to get started.

I want y'all to see the paint brush I got. It's just the cutest little thing. Not that my hands are so small, but I do have a touch of carpal tunnel in them and so the small handle made it easier for me to handle. Isn't it adorable? It's called the XL Cub. I think it's perfect for women to use. I also got these cute little buckets and they have a magnet on the inside to hold your brush upright if you need to set your brush down for a minute. It worked great. It also had a handle like a large measuring cup. Man, the things they've come up with to make painting easier.

You may wonder how a girl with a booty that big could ever have the nerve to post it on the worldwide web. Well, I wanted to show you what happened when I bumped into my freshly rolled wall. I got a PERFECT circle on my butt! It was like a giant bullseye! How that could have happened like that I'll never know, but I thought it was hilarious.
But this. . . now, this almost sent me into OCD orbit. Can you believe all the dustbunnies that were behind some of the furniture? That's just gross. No other word for it. Gross.

Now, I'm off to a very long, very hot bubble bath. My muscles ache. My last name was Howell before it was Kelly, but a painter I'm not. You gotta be tough for that kinda work. Sadly, that's one way I'm not like my dear old dad I guess.

Naturally, while I was at Lowe's I had to pick up a few things. Even though generally speaking home improvement stores don't excite me as much as, say, Target or Sephora or something like that. If I'm in the mood, I can waste serious amounts of time there. They had this really neat paintbrush that was slanted for cutting in, but the handle was smaller than most. I thought that would be good for me. And, of course, the latest edition of Southern Living was so colorful that it caught my eye and I had to have it. When I checked out my grand total was :

When I got home from Lowe's, Jeff was already home doing the "grunt work". I.E., taking down the pictures, moving the furniture, removing the switch plates and stuff like that. He was just about ready to get started.

I want y'all to see the paint brush I got. It's just the cutest little thing. Not that my hands are so small, but I do have a touch of carpal tunnel in them and so the small handle made it easier for me to handle. Isn't it adorable? It's called the XL Cub. I think it's perfect for women to use. I also got these cute little buckets and they have a magnet on the inside to hold your brush upright if you need to set your brush down for a minute. It worked great. It also had a handle like a large measuring cup. Man, the things they've come up with to make painting easier.

I did the short person work and Jeff did the stuff that had to be done on the ladder. I did get on the ladder some, but I stayed on the floor most of the time.
After we got done cutting it all in, it was time for the rolling. That's the really fun part where you can feel little splashes of paint hit your hair and your face, but at least you feel like you're finally getting somewhere. To me, it's like after you've outlined the picture in the coloring book, you finally get to color the picture. It's my favorite part. Even if it is a little messy. . .
You may wonder how a girl with a booty that big could ever have the nerve to post it on the worldwide web. Well, I wanted to show you what happened when I bumped into my freshly rolled wall. I got a PERFECT circle on my butt! It was like a giant bullseye! How that could have happened like that I'll never know, but I thought it was hilarious.
But this. . . now, this almost sent me into OCD orbit. Can you believe all the dustbunnies that were behind some of the furniture? That's just gross. No other word for it. Gross.

We worked from about 4 o'clock until about 10 o'clock with a 30-minute break to grab a bite to eat. Fortunately, it only took one coat of paint to cover the walls. Boy, was I glad. We moved the furniture back in place, got the switch plates and everything back together. These are a couple of quick pictures of how it turned out. I just love it. It's so peaceful and airy. I feel like I'm floating in the clouds in there.

Now, I'm off to a very long, very hot bubble bath. My muscles ache. My last name was Howell before it was Kelly, but a painter I'm not. You gotta be tough for that kinda work. Sadly, that's one way I'm not like my dear old dad I guess.
Love to all!