Friday, January 16, 2009

Random Things About Me

Okay, folks. As I've found is customary and a heck of a lot of fun, I'm posting some random facts about me. I was going to do 100, then 50, then I decided to just go until I got tired. Here we go.

1. My name is Lisa Kelly Howell Kelly. Now I go by Kelly H. Kelly

2. My mom is June my dad is Marshall. They've been married 44 years.

3. I have two sisters.

4. My hubby's name is Jeff.

5. We have two sons. Ross and Cam. Ross is 20. Cam's 16.

6. My favorite thing about Jeff is that he's ALWAYS happy!

7. My favorite thing about Ross is that I can still see my sweet, adventurous little boy every time I look at him.

8. My favorite thing about Cam is his innocent, devilish smile. Some girl is in for a real treat one of these days!

9. I have four nephews on my side and one niece. I have two nephews and three nieces on Jeff's side.

10. My mother- and father-in-law are Jean and Ed.

11. Suzanne is my best friend.

12. Crystal is my secret body guard and also my best friend.

13. My sister-in-law, Nan, has become one of my best friends.

14. I graduated in 1983. I weighed 83 pounds in 1983.

15. I got my first job when I was 17.

16. I worked in the Rich's building in downtown Atlanta.

17. I had never driven more than 10 miles by myself until I was 18 years old.

18. I had a midnight curfew the night before my wedding. I WAS LATE!

19. My dad is my hero.

20. I love flowers. Especially tulips and hydrangeas.

21. I'm very sentimental.

22. I don't cry easily.

23. I yell very easily.

24. I love to shop.

25. I hate thrift stores.

26. I've had two C-sections.

27. I had a total hysterectomy in October 2008.

28. My abdomen has been cut three times in the exact same spot.

29. I love Jeff's grey hair and have never wanted him to color it.

30. When I first met him, I thought he had dyed his hair that color.

31. My eyebrows and lips are too thin.

32. I like to wash dishes.

33. I hate to load the dishwasher.

34. I like to eat Milk Duds and popcorn together at the movies.

35. I eat around a cheeseburger and let Jeff eat the middle.

36. I like to go to outdoor concerts.

37. I love to have a fire.

38. I'm terrified of fire.

39. I can't stand the smell of smoke from a fire.

40. I've never struck a match in my life. Ever.

41. I have two holes pierced in each ear. I only wear earrings in one hole in each ear.

42. I drink only Diet Coke. I don't like Pesi.

43. I'm a good judge of character.

44. I rarely give a person a second chance if they fool me on the character thing.

45. I like pampering.

46. I love to be pampered.

47. I like to be in control.

48. I don't like most of the music that Jeff likes.

49. I like to create memories for my family.

50. I think I'm right most of the time.

51. I'm right a lot of the time.

52. I'm a court reporter.

53. I didn't go to school to become a court reporter.

54. I know very little about computers.

55. I'm an avid reader.

56. My closet stays a mess.

57. I have a Blackberry. I'm slightly addicted to my Blackberry.

58. I like makeup.

59. I have a ton of makeup.

60. I miss my grandparents.

61. I love to fish.

62. I can bait my own hook and take my own fish off the hook.

63. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Halloween is second. Christmas is third.

64. Christmas kinda makes me sad. See # 21.

65. My dad almost died in 2003.

66. My favorite verse in the Bible is Proverbs 17:22. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

67. My mom is my spiritual and moral role model.

68. I wish I were more like my mom.

69. I am a lot like my dad.

70. My mom and mother-in-law are the best cooks I know. My aunts are the second best.

71. My Aunt Theresa is the most optimistic person I know.

72. I've been a nail biter my entire life.

73. I balance our checkbook and pay our bills. I hate math.

74. I have a cat named Smokey and a dog named Bandit. Not done on purpose either.

75. Smokey is black with a little white. Bandit's white with a little black.

76. I love fresh tomatoes from the garden.

77. I can ski a little.

78. I suck at every other sport I've ever tried.

79. I can play Spades a little.

80. I suck at every other card game I've ever tried. Except Old Maid.

81. I love football. Youth, high school and college. Pro is okay.

82. I like to eat out.

83. I like margaritas, but they give me a headache.

84. I drink them anyway.

85. The sunshine makes me happy.

86. We go to the same place for vacation every year.

87. I like sushi.

88. I hate pork chops.

89. If I misplace something, I just assume I threw it away. I keep looking for it anyway.

90. I have horrible teeth.

91. I don't like going to the dentist.

92. I have always had perfect vision until last year. I think I need reading glasses now.

93. I go to the church I grew up in.

94. I'm a Baptist.

95. I like old, old hyms.

96. I try not to judge others.

97. I don't like it when people judge others.

98. My family means the world to me.

99. I believe my help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

100. I am a Girl Named Kelly Kelly.


Karla said...

Those are great! If you lived nearby we'd get together for some sushi and diet coke, my favorites.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could. Maybe one day I can fly out there or you down here and we can do just that!

Theresa said...

Well, I have checked a couple of times today to see if you had posted a new blog... it was worth the wait. I loved the list and believe it or not, I knew a lot of that and a lot of mine would be the same. My hot water froze in my pool house and I called your Dad to ask him what to do. Of course he insisted on coming. It had thawed before he got here but we enjoyed sitting at the table out there and chatting about everything. He told me he loves it out there and just might move in:) He is my HERO too! I remember all too well that he almost died and I am sooooo thankful to still have him here with us. He makes me double over in laughter. Today he was telling me stories about his teenage years. We laughed and laughed. I should make a list too. Although, you could probably make my list for me:) I love you!
Happy Weekend

Joyce said...

oh my gosh..... your name really is kelly kelly!!!! I'm going to do one of those one day. I wonder if there is any thing my kids don't know about me?